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Our Mission

We are committed to every human being experiencing their Absolute Value and the

Truth of Who You Are

4 Fundamental Initiatives Designed to Bring About Our Mission:


  1. Trust Yourself; you are the author of your life. 

  2. Embrace Failures, pain and disappointments as part of life; learn and grow from them. 

  3. Live with Integrity; what's present on the inside is reflected on the outside. 

  4. Be Your Own Champion; meet your needs with acceptance, compassion and love. 


  We Work in Our Initiatives Using 4 Core Values:


  1. Value - knowing the true value in the work we are doing and the people we are assisting.

  2. Authenticity - being genuine with our communications and dealing powerfully with what is so.

  3. Love - treating all those with which we interact with kindness and compassion and relating to people as the amazing beings they are.

  4. Growth - courageously moving forward so as to not fall back on old patterns and beliefs.


  We Work With Our Values and Initiatives by Focusing on 6 Activities:


  1. Creating Structures - utilizing strategies, skills and tools to achieve success.

  2. Cleaning Up - understanding that it is current human nature to cause misunderstandings in communication, messes in our environments and rifts in relationships and actively and courageously cleaning up those mistakes.

  3. Speaking the Truth - telling it how it is from a place of love.

  4. Self-Care - taking care of ourselves first, but not only, mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

  5. Inner Work - the courage to uncover and heal old wounds, fixed ways of being and limiting beliefs using whatever tools and support is necessary so we may continue to grow and awaken.

  6. Creating Safety - whether in communication or a physical or energetic space, creating an environment that has people feel safe enough to take the risks needed to grow.


We Are Your Absolute Value Team

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